Interested To Learn More About Dermatology?

Throughout your life, your skin will go through many changes. Some changes are expected due to growing older. There are other changes, however, that are not expected and are signs that you should visit a dermatologist. Our expert team of dermatologists at Central Dermatology Center recognizes the difference between a serious issue of the skin and something you don't need to worry about. If you need dermatology services in The Triangle Area of NC, we are here for you. Continue reading to learn more about dermatology and when a consultation with a dermatologist is wise.

What Is a Dermatologist?

A dermatologist is a specialized physician who is highly trained in treating conditions and injuries of the skin, hair, and nails. These conditions can include skin cancer, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and many more. Dermatologists also treat conditions affecting mucous membranes, and the delicate lining of tissue in your mouth, nose, and eyelids.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms That Would Warrant a Visit To a Dermatologist?

 Bug bites, minor acne, warts, and dandruff cause temporary changes to the skin and generally do not require consulting a dermatologist.  The symptoms listed below, however, may not be temporary and if you notice these changes, you need to consult with a dermatology provider in The Triangle Area of NC.

  • Severe acne: Mild acne is noted above as not needing a consultation with a dermatologist. This regards minor acne that does bother you much. When persistent, painful, severe acne exists, you should see a dermatologist.
  • Rosacea: Rosacea involves a red flush on the cheeks, but may affect the nose, chest, neck, and eyes as well. Severe cases can cause bumps on the skin and swelling. It occurs because blood vessels expand too fast in response to heat and exercise. Spicy food may also cause a reaction. No cure exists for rosacea at this time but the condition is manageable with medication.
  • Constant dry, itchy, and/or reddened skin could be signs of psoriasis or eczema and require a consultation with a dermatologist. This is especially true if these symptoms have failed to improve with the treatment provided by your PCP.
  • A change in the shape, color, or size of a mole.
  • Rashes that cover more than 10% of your body and do not resolve after several days, particularly if pain and fever accompany your rash.
  • Sores that take an exceedingly long time to heal or do not heal at all.
  • Unexpected hair loss.
  • A skin patch that is darker or lighter than the rest of your skin.

Contact Us

Here at Central Dermatology Center, we help individuals and their families live confidently by keeping their skin as healthy and beautiful as possible. If you have a concern regarding your skin, hair, or nails, schedule a consultation with our expert dermatology team at one of our locations throughout The Triangle Area of NC. You can reach us by calling (919) 401-1994.