Insurance, Forms, & Policies


We accept payment from most major medical plans, including, but not limited to:

  • Medicare
  • BCBS
  • Tricare
  • Cigna
  • Aetna
  • Medcost
  • Humana
  • United Healthcare

Click here for a comprehensive list of insurances we accept.



COVID-19 Screening Policy

Appointment Arrival Policies:

Medical Visits:

Our providers see patients by appointment only.  We do not accept walk-in appointments, but if you have an urgent Dermatology need, please contact our office by phone and we will work with you to find the first available provider in your area.

Arriving late to appointments impacts your providers and other patients schedules. If you are late, and the provider does not have an opening in their schedule, you will need to be rescheduled.  If you know you are going to be late, please call us to see if you will still be able to be seen. To avoid this please plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time if you are an established patient or 20 minutes prior to your appointment time if you are a new patient.

Any patient that is more than 10 minutes late for their appointment or has not completed their paperwork, will need to be rescheduled.

Aesthetic Visits:

Our providers see patients by appointment only.

We truly appreciate that you have chosen to be a patient at The Skin Care and Laser Center of Central Dermatology and we want to meet your expectations.  One of the most important expectations of our patients is to be seen by their provider on time.  We work very hard to schedule our providers to ensure we meet that expectation.  However, in order for us do so, it requires that patients are also on time.   We understand that things happen, like accidents, traffic jams and just life in general.  As a result, we provide our patients a 10-minute grace period for their appointment.

If you arrive more than 10 minutes after your scheduled appointment time, you may be asked to reschedule.

We require a $50 credit on your account to hold any scheduled consultation appointments. In the instance of a no show or last-minute cancellation, this may be used towards your missed appointment fee due to the limited number of appointments we have available. 

Office Hours Policy:

Our providers see patients by appointment only. Once appointments are completed for the day or if there are no appointments scheduled for the day, there will not be a medical provider in the office. If you need urgent or emergent care you may be asked to contact your primary care provider or seek care at an urgent care/emergency room.

Cancellation Policy:

Medical Visits:

When you schedule an appointment with our practice, we set aside enough time to provide you with the highest quality care. Should you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact our office as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. This gives us time to schedule other patients who are waiting for an appointment.  We realize there are times when emergencies arise that may cause you to miss an appointment, but excessive no-shows or same day cancellations are disruptive to our practice and other patients.  Below is our No Show/Appointment Cancellation policy.

Any established patient who fails to show or does not cancel or reschedule within 24-hours of their appointment 3 times within a twelve-month period will be discharged from our practice.

Any new patient who fails to show for their initial visit 2 times will not be rescheduled.

Aesthetic Visits:

Unless cancelled at least 24 hours in advance, missed chemical peel, facial, microdermabrasion, waxing, and consultation appointments will be charged a no-show rate of $50.00 (and all other missed appointments including neurotoxins, filler, and laser appointments will be charged a no-show rate of $150.00) for the second no-show, and any no-show after.

Financial Policy:

Medical Visits:

We are committed to your treatment being successful.  Please understand that payment of your bill is considered part of your treatment.  The following is a statement of our financial policy, which we require you to read and sign prior to any medical services being rendered. 


Regarding Insurance: We may or may not accept assignment of your insurance benefits.  If assignment is taken, you will still be responsible for any deductibles or copayments at the time services are rendered.  Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your company; we are not a party to that contract unless we also have a contract with your company.  If your insurance company has not paid on your claim within 45 days, you will automatically be responsible for the balance.

Please be aware that some, and perhaps all, of the services provided may be deemed non-covered services or not medically necessary under Medicare and/or other medical insurance programs. 

Regarding insurance plans where we are a participating provider, all copayments and deductibles are due at the time services are rendered.  In the event your insurance coverage changes to a plan where we are not a participating provider, refer to the above paragraphs. 

Usual and Customary Rates: Our practice is committed to providing the best treatment to our patients and we charge what is usual and customary for our area.  You are responsible for payment regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary determination of usual and customary rates.  The only exception to this policy is a plan where we are a contracted participating provider.

Patient Statements: It is Central Dermatology Center’s practice to ONLY send electronic statements for notification of a patient balance unless a specific request is made for a paper statement. I consent to receiving only an electronic statement. I understand I will receive an email notifying me that a statement is available on my portal, and that I will be able to print it if necessary. If I require a paper statement, I will contact the billing department at (919) 401-1994, option 5.

For billing questions, please call us at (919) 401-1994.

Click here to view our Self-Pay Policy. 

Aesthetic Visits:

All cosmetic services provided to you at Central Dermatology Center, PA and their Skin Care and Laser Center are performed strictly for cosmetic purposes. These cosmetic services are considered to be not medically necessary and are not covered by your insurance company. Your decision to have any cosmetic services rendered indicates that you thoroughly understand and agree with this policy. You will be responsible for payment in full at the conclusion of your visit and fully accept that the charges incurred are out-of-pocket expenses and will not be billed to your health care plan. Your signature on the bottom of this form signifies that you understand and agree to abide by this Payment Policy.

Click here to review our detailed Aesthetic Treatment and Product Policies.

Aesthetic Package Policy:

Unless otherwise stated at time of purchase, treatment packages and pre-purchased treatments of any kind are valid for 1 year from the purchase date. After that time, your treatments are considered expired as well as any payments associated with those treatments. No refunds will be processed for expired, partially used, or fully used packages. Unused packages are eligible for a full refund for 6 months from the purchase date. It is your responsibility to keep track of any packages associated with your account and to act on them prior to the expiration date. No exceptions.

Privacy Policies:

We are committed to your safety and privacy.

Click here to review our Notice Of Privacy Practices.

Patient Rights:

As a patient in our practice, Central Dermatology Center, P.A., would like to share with your rights as a patient, outlined by the American Medical Association’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs Code of Medical Ethics.

Click here to review our Patient Bill of Rights.

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